Yeah, it sounds strange… but there three topics are linked.

For first, lets start with Quantum Physics. I could now explain you everything ’bout it, but I just explain one theory of it to you, because I don’t wanna write a whole day ^^. So there is a theory in quantum physics, which says, that every syten / experiment is changed by every factor which comes from outside. Even if you look at it, you change the system. If you are 1km away and think of it, you change it. But if you don’t change it, or don’t interact with it, it can’t exist, because you would change it if it would exist!

So this topic is also very interesting in philosophy, where it says, that an Object is real if you sense/see it, else not!

And finally Love. We take now these two theories. And if you combine them you see, that if you don’t see somebody, he is not existant in your mind. So as soon as you see him you change her/him, and she/he changes you. Maybe you fall in love with each other. And if you now take quantum physics, it says, that if you think of your partner, you change him. If you love him, always thinkin’ of him, she/he is constantly changing, maybe in a positive or a negative way. And if I see a girl every day fallin’ more in love with me, I know, that I must have very good factors workin’ on her ;)…..

Yay.. this article is strange, but I had to say it ^